Donation Revenue
Perfect Circle PairPerfect CirclePerfect Triangle PairPerfect TrianglePerfect Circle PairPerfect CirclePerfect Triangle PairPerfect Triangle

Donation Revenue

There are two routes for donations: donations sent in $HDT and donations sent in any other cryptocurrency.

Donations sent in $HDT are sent in full to the Project owner.

Donations sent in other cryptocurrencies are sent as 98.5% of the donation amount to the Project owner.

To uphold the value of $HDT, the 1.5% deduction is used to purchase $HDT. The 1.5% of HDT is allocated as follows:

  • 25% is is used to purchase Wrapped Sonic and is allocated to the staking rewards pool, to be redistributed to supporting users.
  • 25% is sent to a burn address, to further stabilize the price of $HDT.
  • 50% is paid to the developers, to further development and to pay for application costs.